Sunday, November 28, 2010

Face scrubs are very good as they slough away dead cells and give a glow to the dead and lifeless looking complexion. Take care not to use a scrub when you have angry looking pimples on the face. A scrub can at times aggravate the situation.

To make it easier use the scrub under the category of your skin type. The same with face packs. Use only what is suitable to your skin. Though the homemade packs are very gentle and will not cause any harm, do keep in mind, any allergies you may have.
Oily Skin - Scrubs

1. After a bath, and as a base for make-up use some diluted lime juice. Dab it on very lightly on the face. Wait for 10 minutes before using foundation or make up.

2. Diluted buttermilk is also dabbed on the face and left on the face for 10-15 minutes before any other application.

3. While preparing for a night out or a very special party, rub a cube of ice all over the face. Let it dry and then use make up.

4. Slice an apple very thinly. Place these on the face and leave for 15 minutes. These soak up extra oil and also helps to close pores.

5. Take 1/2 a cup of rice flour, and 1/2 a cup of mashed ripe papaya. Add the juice of 1/2 a lime. Wet the face and gently massage the face with the paste. Always do the neck also.

6. Take 1/2 cup of green gram powder, add 1 tablespoon of yogurt. Add enough water to make a paste. Use it to scrub the face gently. Wash with cold water. Do not use soap after the treatment.

Some Masks for Oily Skin

1. Soak 4-5 almonds overnight. Next morning peel and make a very fine paste. Mix 1/2 a teaspoon honey in this and apply. Wash after 20 minutes.

2. Take 1 tablespoon of fullers earth or multani mitti and 1 teaspoon rose water. Soak the mud for a while with very little water. When it is moist and pliable add rose water and mix. Apply on the face for 15-20 minutes. Let it dry and gently wash.

3. 1 egg white with 1 tablespoon honey. Mix both together and apply with a brush. Wash after 7-10 minutes.

4. Mix 1 tablespoon orange peel powder with 1 tablespoon honey and 1/2 teaspoon lime juice. Apply and leave for 10 minutes. Wash.

5. 2 tablespoons corn starch, 2 teaspoons margosa leaf juice, 2 teaspoons sandalwood powder and 2-3 drops of olive oil. Mix. Apply with a brush. Let it dry well. Wash with cold water.

6. Take 4 tablespoons mint paste and grind fresh mint leaves, 1/4 cup ripe papaya pulp, 2 teaspoons gram flour and 1/2 limejuice. Mix and apply. Wash after 15 minutes.

Face Mask for Pimples

  • 2 tablespoons fullers earth
  • 2 tablespoons sandalwood powder
  • 2 drops of garlic juice
  • 1 egg white
  • rose water

Friday, November 26, 2010


Tips 1:
  • Apply buttermilk daily for 20 minutes for about 20-25 days.
Tips 2:
  • Radish juice applied daily for 20 minutes for 20-25 days.
Tips 3:
  • Potato, Tomato or Cucumber juice will help

Black Heads

Usually blackheads are the result of oily skin and blocked pores. After a warm bath the face should be splashed with cold water.

In a pan add 5-6 cups of water and add the juice of 1 lime. Remove from heat when the water boils. Place on a table and covering the head with a large towel, steam the face. Rub the blackheads firmly with a face towel after 10 minutes of steaming. Wash the face with chilled water to close the pores

Tip 1:
  • Boil 3-4 cups of water and add 2 tsp soda bicarbonate to this. Steam a towel with this and place the towel on the face. Repeat 5-6 times. Now rub the face in the area of the blackheads with a paste of 1 tsp curd mixed with 1 tsp of rice flour. Wash with cold water.
Tip 2:
  • Rub a pinch of table salt mixed with a pinch of the soft soggy portion of a glycerin soap. (Pears) Rub well into the blackheads. Repeat for a week.
Tip 3:
  • Take 1 tsp of fresh coriander
  • leaf juice with ½ tsp of turmeric powder. Apply this at bed time and wash in the morning. Repeat for a week.
Tip 4:
  • Take 1 tsp lime juice mixed with 1 tsp of finely powdered cinnamon. Apply at bed time and wash in the morning.


Wrinkles generally are due to age, Stress and dry skin. You should always keep the areas around the eyes mouth and nose and also the neck well cared for and moisturized.

Tip 1:
  • Take 1 tbsp of cold milk and add 3-4 drops of lime juice. Rub this paste well into the wrinkles before going to sleep. The next morning wash with warm water and dry with a rough towel firmly. Once again rub in the cream - in the direction opposite to the wrinkles. Wait for ½ an hour and wash, avoid using soap.
Tip 2:
  • Rub the pulp of a ripe Papaya on the face and leave for ½ an hour before washing.
  • This is a very good toner also.
Tip 3:
  • Rub almond oil on the wrinkles in upward strokes. Leave overnight and wash with warm water next morning.
Tip 4:
  • Cut open a Vitamin -E capsule, add ½ tsp of glycerine and apply. Wash after 15- 20 minutes.
Tip 5:
  • Add ½ tsp honey to 1 tsp rice powder. Smoothen the lines with this paste. Leave for ½ an hour and wash.
Tip 6:
  • Mix 1 tsp honey with 1 tsp of milk cream. Apply well. Wash after 20 minutes.

To Lighten To Pan

The skin gets a tan due to long periods of exposure to sunlight especially in Winter when the sun's rays are more direct. Any of the treatments given below should be done regularly for a week at least.

Wash the face and arms well. Mash some ripe strawberries and apply as a paste. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
Tips 1:
  • Powder the kernel of a walnut and mix the powder with1 tbsp of milk. Apply and leave for 20 minutes.
Tips 2:
  • Honey 1 tsp with a few drops of vinegar applied for ½ an hour.
Tips 3:
  • Soya beans flour 1 tbsp with 1 tbsp of milk applied for ½ an hour.
Tips 4:
  • Apply grated tomato pulp mixed with cucumber juice. 1 tbsp each. Wash after 20 minutes.

For a fairer Complexion

Tip 1:

  • Soak 4 almonds overnight. Make a very fine paste with them, using milk to grind them
  • Apply this paste on the neck and face before going to bed. Wash with cold water in the morning. Repeat daily for 15 days, followed by twice a week.

Tip 2:

  • Take 1 tbsp of gram flour and 2 tsp of raw milk and 2-3 drops of lime juice. Mix well and apply. Wash after 15 minutes. Repeat for 4 weeks and follow up with once a week.

Tip 3:

  • Grind a cup of mint leaves to a fine paste. Apply and leave for 20 minutes. Wash. Continue for 15 days.

Tip 4:

  • Grate a tomato. Add 2-3 drops of lime juice. Apply and wash after 20 minutes. Do this morning and evening for 15 - 20 days. Apply well on the neck area also.

Tip 5:

  • Diluted Vinegar
  • Potato juice with 2-3 drops of lime juice.
  • Cucumber juice with 2-3 drops of lime juice.
  • Diluted lime juice

Face Dry Skin

Tip 1:

  • Should use scrubs to remove the dry scaly skin.
  • Apply ½ tsp of Vitamin E
  • oil with 2-3 drops of lime juice and ½ tsp of glycerin.

Tip 2:

  • Apply a mixture of 1 tsp warm Olive oil
  • with a few drops of glycerin and 2-3 drops of lime juice.

Tip 3:

  • 1 tsp of milk cream with2-3 drops of lime juice mixed well. This should be applied 10 minutes before a bath. It reduces the dryness and also is good when applied in Winter.

Plain, whole milk, applied and left on for 10 minutes and washed with cold water helps.

Face Cleaning

Tip 1:
  •  Take 1 tbsp of un-boiled milk, dip a small pad of cotton wool in this and rub on the face gently. Use circular movements, use upward strokes on the neck area. Leave this on for 15 minutes. Wash with cold water.
Tip 2:

  • Take a thick slice of cucumber. Don't peel the slice, rub in a circular motion all over the face and neck areas. Wash after 15 minutes.

Tip 3:

  • Halve a tomato, gently rub over face and neck and wash after 15 minutes.

Tip 4:

  • Take the half of a lime peel, from which the juice has been extracted, rub this firmly on the face and the neck. Using a Scrub-(once in 3-4 days).
  • After washing off the milk or juice - take a tsp of oat bran or wheat husk or gram flour (besan). Make a paste with a few drops of water and rub the face and neck gently with this. This sloughs away the dead cells and gives the face a glow. Don't use soap, just splash on cold water that will act as an astringent and close the pores.

Tip 5:

  • Use green gram powder or rice flour mixed with curds instead.
  • Oily Skin: If the face is oily,
  • After a bath as a base for make-up use some diluted limejuice to dab on before application of foundation or any other make-up.
Tip 6:

  • Diluted buttermilk dabbed on the face and left for 15 minutes, gently wipe with moist cotton wool before applying make-up.

Tip 7:

  • Rub the face well with an ice cube.

Tip 8:

  • Slice an Apple into thin slices. Place these on the face and leave for 15 minutes. These soak up the extra oil and helps to close pores.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lip Makeup Application

  • Glossy and luscious lips provoke sex appeal. A smile with brightly colored youthful lips enhances your appearance. They are the most important facial part without decorating whom your makeup is incomplete. Lip decoration has been continuing since very early till today. Now-a-days many cosmetics are available in the form of sticks, tubes, pencils and liquids in markets. Lip makeup application is a three step technique. Lip makeup is perfect if done with a steady hand, some practice and knowledge of the correcting techniques are an added advantage.
Lip Makeup Application
Step 1 Outlining
  • The pencil liner is usually harder than lipstick and is used to line lips. Lip liners are a boon for defining the shape, if they are not perfect in shape. Ensure they are smooth and non-greasy before outlining. The liner pencil should be of the same color or the shade closer to the lipstick. Lining inside the natural contour make them appear thinner and fuller while lining out of the natural lip-line makes them look thick. Outlining them also prevents bleeding the lipstick.
  • Lightly outline them starting from the center for the upper lip extending towards the corner of the mouth and for the lower lip, work from side to side with a steady hand.
Step 2 Priming & Filling Up with Lipstick
  • The uneven skin tone can be overcome by filling them with a special base or balancer.
  • Varied colored Lipsticks are used to fill in between the outlines. The choice of color should harmonize with the rest of the make-up and your outfit as well. Soft colors look good on pale skins while darker skins carry off vibrant shades.
  • Lipsticks contains fatty base to stays firm and solid. They are available in tubes, pots, pencils, and even wands. While selection a color current fashion trends too have an important role.
  • Use a "lip brush" to fill in lip color of your choice. Blend the "lip liner" and lipstick together with your "lip brush" so that there are no harsh edges. The lipstick must be applied twice. After applying first coat, blot it with two-ply tissue paper by placing the tissue on the mouth and pressing it gently or pressing the tissue paper between the lips. This absorbs the excess oils and leaves it with matte waxes. After blotting reapply the "lip color". This procedure keeps it stay longer.
  • Application of some foundation and powder on them if they are dark, before applying lipstick take away all the darkness from your lips.
  • Instead of matte lipstick a women above the age of 40 will look best with a little shine on lips.
Step 3: Lip Gloss
  • Apply "lip gloss" over lipstick or just alone on naked lips. "Lip gloss" would highlight the lips and therefore make them appear fuller. Women with "extra full lips" should avoid using "lip gloss" or use it sparingly.
Natural Lip Gloss
  • Don't worry if you have run out of your "lip gloss"!! Vaseline will work out the same way on the matte lipstick to give it a glossy finish.

A Good Hairstyle

  • If you have not grown up having brothers around, you are not likely to understand and appreciate why hair cuts are important for the teenagers and how they are worried about it all the time.
  • When you choose a hairstyle, you are in fact defining your identity as well as personality. When you have a good hairstyle to go with a well-groomed look, you feel a lot more confident about yourself.
  • Men do plan to have a haircut and styling just before a business trip or an important engagement just like the women do. To have a haircut you have so many options from the local barber down the lane to unisex salons or the expensive spa and salons that treat you like a celebrity.
  • Changing your hairstyle can give a boost to your image as well as your personality. In fact if you are attempting a complete makeover and a change of your habits, it is best to get a new hair style and start life a fresh.
  • Just like women's hairstyles, men too can experiment with a lot many styles. Usually youngsters go for longhaired styles while short haircuts look good on grown ups making them look younger. Crew cut is an all time favorite too. Boys look cute with mushroom cut.
  • If you have a well-maintained body then a crew cut will go with your well-toned body. For thin and long body types with long hair with straight cut and pony might look fashionable. A straight cut is always the best for professionals while students can try mushroom cut or bob cut too. But then one needs to also consider the amount of time that one has to maintain the hairstyle.
  • A good hairstyle boosts up your image as well as your spirits. It shows in your physical postures and you begin to feel good about yourself.
  • Your well groomed look and your hairstyle will precede you and do your talking even before you get to say something

Eyelash Growth - Help Grow Your Eyelashes Quickly!

As opposed to thinking to yourself, "Do eyelashes grow," you ought to start to think of how you'll be able to help to make your eyelashes develop quicker right away and start taking action. Lots of individuals have begun using a solution named Idol Lash because of what this new riveting item can help your eyelashes develop like they never have in the past.

Would you want to see your lashes grow right away? Idol Lash has been seen to provide thicker and fuller lashes as is of course implied by the brand name. You can have the lashes of an American Idol by using this item routinely, and a whole lot of men and women still are unaware that an item like this is even obtainable on the market.

Instead of going to the old-fashioned and played out methods of trying to dye your lashes and trying to pile on enough make-up to help to make them seem even bigger and better, you'll be able to start to make use of this system to provide yourself noticeable, all-natural and stunning lashes.

Many men and women on all parts of the globe hope for the lashes of a superstar on a nightly basis, but if you really need to have gorgeous eyelashes like those celebrities on television, you're gonna have to do significantly more than just hope and pray. Rather than stacking on make-up each night to attempt to cover up the small and frail eyelashes, it is possible to use this eyelash growth product to help to make your eyelashes grow into the type that superstars are made of.

Not only can you quit asking do lashes develop but it is possible to always have stunning lashes that other ladies will be envious of, however you will not have to put any make-up on them to help to make them look like that. Your eyelashes will be instantly thicker and fuller and even more voluptuous than some make-up artists could ever accomplish with make-up, and that's the irony of the whole thing.

Read my review of the top user-rated product on the market used to make eyelashes grow. I've scoped out this company and they feature a no-questions asked guaranteed cancellation policy and you can choose to take advantage of either their free trial bottle offer, or you can place a full order with no strings attached. Learn more about Idol Lash, one of the best eyelash growth products on the net.

Some Must-Know Secrets of Beautiful Skin

                     The secrets of beautiful skin are technically no longer kept secret - thanks to advances in skin care science. Now, it is possible to have beautiful and younger-looking skin just by choosing your skin care products right.
                     The secrets of beautiful skin are already out in the open. No, you don't have to go through cosmetic surgery or expensive dermatological processes in order to have the beautiful skin of your dreams. There are now excellent products that can help you achieve such in no time.

What Ideal Skin Care Must Target
                     We all know how skin care must be composed of cleansing, moisture and protection. But beyond these basic routines, you must make sure to lead a skin care regimen that can offer the following:
  • Provide skin more moisture.
  • Aid the skin in its renewal and regeneration.
  • Achieve stronger, firmer skin.
This is especially true for those who have already gone past their youthful age. Not only is it very important to have healthy skin, it is important to keep it looking youthful and beautiful as well.

Some Ingredients to Look For
                   If you want a product that can provide the aforementioned health benefits, you will need to exert some effort in searching for one. Here are some ideal ingredients that would be great to have in a face cream or mask:

                  Allantoin is a natural ingredient that naturally occurs in herbs like comfrey, wheat and beets. It has shown tremendous benefits in soothing the skin and easing it of irritation and inflammation. It has been clinically proven to help stimulate the growth of collagen and new skin cells, while helping restore damage on the skin. Allantoin also works as a skin softener to leave you with a supple skin that feels younger.

Natural Vegetable Emollients
                  Plant-based emollients such as Cegasoft PFO, Cetiol CC or PLG are ideal to have in a skin care formulation. They effectively soften the skin and give it the extra hydration boost it needs. Ingredients like sorbitol and glycerine also helps provide hydration to the deeper layers of the skin.
Essential Oils
                   Essential oils such as macadamia oil have shown positive effects in protecting skin cells from aging. Macadamia oil specifically has unmatched ability to seep through the inner layers of the skin to heal damaged skin and replenish lost oils. It can help bring back the moisture balance of the skin to keep it healthy and beautiful.

Active Manuka Honey
                    Manuka Honey is very ideal to have in a skin care product. It is proven to provide healing properties of the skin, while at the same time nourishing it with antioxidants that can ward off the unwanted signs of aging. Active Manuka Honey can make your skin look firmer, tighter, softer and definitely more beautiful.
The secrets of beautiful skin are no longer kept secret. One of such secrets is the use of a good mask that offers deep hydration and anti-aging. It is only through the proper skin care routine that you can achieve and maintain the beautiful skin that everyone is working (and spending) so much for.

You Can Save Cash by Salvaging Your Broken Up Blush and Eye Shadow

  • In order to repair our broken eye shadows and blushes you'll need a small to medium bowl, 70% isopropyl alcohol, a cloth such as a t-shirt, a flat object that covers the area you need flat, and your cracked eye shadow ready.
  • Take your eye shadow and scrape every little bit you can out and into the bowl. After it's all in the bowl you want to crush the pieces into a very fine powder. What I like to do is use the end of one of my makeup brushes to do this.
  • Next you want to pour some of the isopropyl alcohol into the bowl and start mixing it up. Make sure not to add too much liquid. If you have any big chunks in there after pouring the alcohol in and mixing it up that's a sign you need to add a little more to break that up.
  • It might take you a few times to get the right consistency, but once you master the technique it is quite useful.
  • Once the mixture is all ready, put it back in and fill the container you took it out of. Even it out with a cotton swab so it is equally distributed. Next you want to let it sit out for a few hours.
  • Next you want to get a flat object and an old t-shirt or some other kind of cloth. Put the cloth down on top of the makeup, then put your flat object on top of that and press down lightly. Again, this is after it has been sitting out in the air for a couple hours! This will make your final product super smooth.
  • Even if you don't care about a smooth top, you still want to follow this step. The cloth absorbs excess alcohol allowing the it to fully set.

My First post 4 You

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